Sunday, December 29, 2013

Role Models

     Everyone probably has someone they look up to in their life. They copy their sayings, gestures and descisions. Why? Because we want to be just like them. How is that any different with singers? You can develope your style of singing by listening to others and copying what they do. See what their strategies are and see if they also work for you. Depending on the type of singing (jazzy, pop, rock, rap, opera ect.) you are going to find ways of stylizing. Looking towards great and passionate singers is a great way to start off. Later this week I'll have a video representing how you can have tons of singing styles with only one voice. I apologize for not uploading it today but my iMovie and Youtube account do not seem to be working together. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Are You Pushing Your Range Too Much?

     A lot of singers think that vocal range is the most important part of singing but it turns out it really isn't. Most songs don't require over two octaves. If you are straining your voice so you can have a wider range you can really hurt yourself. If you really need to have a wider range do a little bit at a time. It's like stretching; a little more then usual but not to the extreme. You have to slowly work up to your goal. Every voice is different so don't push your limits! But if you really want to see what you're capable of, then slow progress is key. To gain a wider range I recommend a couple sirens and some of find warmups I suggested earlier in my blog. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Simple Tip To Prevent A Huge Accident!

It's important for singers to stand in a comfortable position and stay clear of locking your knees. If you are singing for a while and your knees are locked you can become dizzy/light-headed and you can faint. If you notice you are feeling dizzy sit down right away. 

Breathing Techniques!

Here is some techniques to be able to breath efficiently: 

1. Know your phases! 
It helps to understand how long you need to hold your breath so your singing doesn't sound choppy 
2. Take deep short breaths 
If you know you are going to be singing for a while and you only have a little bit of time, make sure you use it all up
3. Breath in your back!
This will give you more support then just breathing from your chest and will also help you reach harder notes
4. Practice!
You can practice breath control by using some warmups or blowing out continuously to see how long you can really last
5. Give full potential!
When you breath normally you use only about a third of the air in your lungs, you really have more air then you believe

With these steps also comes percautions:

If you are not used to going a while without oxygen then it's tipical you that you will become light headed. If you feel dizzy or light headed then just stop and rest a little while. If you don't, there's a possibility of fainting!