Tuesday, November 26, 2013


     Hey guys, today I'm talking about sharps and flats in a times signature. I'm fairly certain that I have already explained the notes in a scale (EFGABCDEF) and the time signatures so I hope you can gather what I'm talking about fairly easily. If you can't, however, just look at some of those things I have covered. :) Now flats make the note slightly lower, and sharps make a note slightly higher. This doesn't mean that a E becomes an F, it means it becomes a E flat or a E sharp (depending on the direction it goes) when you think about it, 

     If this is my measure if the E went down it would be half way down and D went halfway up, they would be the same note. So you could say that E(flat)-because the pitch went slightly down= D(sharp) because the pitch went slightly up. This would be the same for anything,

A(sharp)=B(flat)                                  THEY'RE THE SAME NOTE!

Just take any two notes next to each other, if the one on top goes down, and the one on the bottom goes up (top is flat, bottom is sharp) them they are exactly the same note. 

I'll put up some pictures to explain a little more :-) 

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