Saturday, October 19, 2013

Types Of Notes- How They Are Used

     There are a variety of notes in music, such as quarter notes, half notes, whole notes and sixteenth notes. These notes help you determine how long you're going to sing. The quarter not get the quarter of the beat. So one fourth, 1/4. The half note gets half of the beat; 1/2. The 16th note gets a 16th of the beat; 1/16. And last but not least the whole notes gets the whole beat; 1/1. In a times signature (see other blog) the bottom half of it tells you the note that gets the beat and the top tells you how many. Think of it like this, you know that a quarter fraction looks like a one on the top half and a four on the bottom. Well if there's a three on top well that's three- one fourths. So in a measure, it shows you 4/4 time. That means the quarter note gets the beat and there's four beats per measure. 

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