Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Highs And Lows Of Voices (Vocal Scoring)

        Different people have different ranges. Ranges are notes that your voice is capable of singing. If you can sing extremely high, then you would be called a Soprano. If you were to sing high, but not as high as a Soprano, then you would be called an Alto. For low, but not extremely low, you're called a Tenor and for extremely low you are called a Bass. Those are the biggest sections of vocal ranges. Some people divide the sections into even more percise parts. For example, Soprano 1 and Soprano 2. The Soprano 1 would sing higher then the Soprano 2. In songs, they often break off in different harmony parts. Based on your singing level (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) you would sing a different tune. All these tunes together, simultaneously create the song.

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