Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Notes And Scales

    This is a scale! You use it to find notes in your songs to sing, or play. The first set of five lines has something like a swirley looking shape by it, it's called a treble clef or a G clef- because the middle part circles the note G. The bottom set of five lines has something that looks like a backwards C, and two dots. That is called a base clef, or a F clef- circles the note F. If you sing either Soprano, or Alto you should focus more on the set with the treble clef. If you sing Tenor or Base, then focus more on the bottom set of lines. In a scale it starts with the lowest note called middle C. In the treble clef, as it goes up, it's organized in more of the alphabet. The spaces in the staff spells out F.A.C.E and the lines have E.G.B.D.F. Some people us an anagram to remember this such as Every Good Boy Does Fine. In the bass clef, it also organizes using the alphabet except the spaces read, A.C.E.G (Animals Cause Eerie Glares) and the lines read, G.B.D.F.A (Good Boys Don't Fail Algebra)

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